Finally found a brand of food


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA

Check it out. It says it is good as a main diet......but I have my doubts. Out of 11 foods its the only thing my baby betta will eat!
Good luck feeding your little one! My fish store peoples told me it doesn't make a good diet because it isn't balanced well enough for Bettas. It has too much crude protein and fiber to be healthy for them. (At least, that is what the aquarium store guy told me.)

This is what the pet store guy suggested for a finiky eater: Float the food you want him to try on top of the water... let him go hungry a few days. He'll get hungry, and finally scarf it down. Then he'll adjust to getting used to it, and eat it.

The problem with this is his water gets cloudy and you're open for bacteria.

I try to drop the food I want him to eat and the brine/bloodworms in with him.. then he'll take the food. Have you tried Wardley's yet? My Betta was finiky but took to the Premium betta food like he takes to water :) I got 7 pellets down his little throat today.


trust me i;ve tried everything and I mean everything! bettamin, wardley premium, tetramin, bio blend, bio gold, flakes, blood worms, etc. this is the only thing he hate. He starved himself for 3 weeks. i was desperate so thats why i tried the freeze dried brine.

Maybe when he gets older he will eat better! thanks for the suggestions though!
I have found that my picky baby bettas take well to brine shrimp too....i found that they also went for freeze dried daphnia. After feeding that for a while i weaned them onto baby pellets or bio-gold pellets because i have heard that freeze dried brine shrimp in excess can cause digestive issues. However you do what you can just to get them to eat ....i am sure he will come around to eat other foods....I am glad to hear that he is eating that is always good news. :D

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