Finally Finding Black Baby Cherry Shrimp


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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At long last I am starting to see baby black cherry shrimp in one of my tanks, after ages of only finding hundreds of wild colouration shrimplets.


There are even smaller dark babies getting about in the tank but they are so small and hiding in the depths of the weed jungle that its near impossible to get clear photos of them.
Very cute

I have two shrimps that were given to me about three weeks ago which came out of a tank full of feeder fish.
They were virtually transparent when I got them but I've noticed they're now considerably darker, varying between light brown and chocolate in colour, but mostly speckled.
Perhaps because they seem to enjoy the "colour flakes" I feed their tank mates?
Ironically, the pics I took to post here show them as being almost transparent again and therefore difficult to see

And I notice you have a lot of snails, Baccus...are they Malaysian Trumpet Snails?
I would be happy to buy about 200 of your culls for my big tank ( live fish food ).
If you are interested PM me a price including shipping. 
I've never kept shrimp before and I wasn't expecting them to last more than a week.
But they are intriguing creatures and clearly have their own personalities.
The one in the pics is the larger one and I'm guessing it's just about fully grown and around feeding time it will look me right in the eye and position itself directly in front of me waiting for some fine particles of food to sink to the substrate.
I've watched it pick up a flake of food and scurry under a plant to nibble on it away from its tank mates which would try to take it for themselves.
The other one is about 1cm smaller, reclusive and I sometimes don't see it for days at a time.
They are certainly aware of each other and occasionally run around the perimeter of the tank as if they are racing.
It's wishful thinking to even hope that they would breed and i doubt conditions are right anyway but if the planets aligned and that happened it would be a highlight of my fish-keeping experience
It's wishful thinking to even hope that they would breed and i doubt conditions are right anyway but if the planets aligned and that happened it would be a highlight of my fish-keeping experience
Its simple you need to have a boy shrimp and a girl shrimp, My suggestion would be to get 6 more shrimp that way you are sure to have both sexes.
Thanks for the refresher on the "birds and the bees" Nick

I was referring more to the conditions in the tank being conducive to reproduction, but if these guys continue to do well, I might get a few more just to see what happens
Aquarian58 Iam sorry to say that your shrimp look to be a macrobachium species which is generally difficult if not near impossible to raise the larval babies in normal tank situations.
I have shrimps and would like for them to breed but alas they never do, I bought some blue ones yesterday for my fry tank and one is carrying eggs.. Fingers crossed they hatch and survive.. Doubt it though based on my previous luck which is 0

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