finally down to zero ammonia


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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in my baby oscar tank he's finally down to zero ammonia. I actually had it ther eonce before but then I had a total filter failure and most of the bacteria seemed to die. it spiked to about 2ppm and is now back to zero again. :woot: So I just took drippings from its filter to try and spur the bacteria growth in my other hex with my 2 gouramis. the ammonia in the gouramis tank is in the .5-1ppm range I can't wait till that one falls to zero. Today I have to go out and buy a new nitrite test set since it appears that my bottle got overturned and leaked all the liquid out.
im a bit confused.... (it doesn't take much) but what about your nitrite?

if this tank is still cycling you should NOT be messing with the filter at this stage and certainly NOT using the filter media to squeze out to seed another...

or have i got the wrong end of the stick?
gixer said:
im a bit confused.... (it doesn't take much) but what about your nitrite?

if this tank is still cycling you should NOT be messing with the filter at this stage and certainly NOT using the filter media to squeze out to seed another...

or have i got the wrong end of the stick?
Well thats sorta the thing. Like I said I have to buy a new nitrite test. However since there isn't any ammonia in that tank and the tank that I put some drippings in is roughly 7 days old a little of the ammonia eating bacteria certainly can do no harm. I didn't sqeeuz or actually disturb the filter in the tank without ammonia I basically took some water from near the bio bed portion of it.

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