Finally Decided On A Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2009
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i have decided to go for a tl550 and start a nano i am saving money at the mo but i have found fish that i like and wanted to check amount and compatability here is the list:

1 orca tl550

10kg live rock

aragonite ? (how much would i need)

4-6 turbo snails

4-6 red leg hermit

1 emerarld or sally lightfoot

2 cleaner shrimp

2 peppermint shrimp

2 ture or false percula clowns (which would be best)

1 coral beauty angelfish

1 diamond watchman goby(really want this one)

1 royal gramma

4? blue green chromis

plus hard/soft corals (suggestions on these too please)

i know i have quite a list but you have to start some where thanks for looking any suggestion welcome.
Hi and welcome to the salty side.

you will need about 14Kg of LR for 130L tank

Cant rember sand weight 10Kgs rings a bell though

CUC seems ok

for a 130L tank a max for a start would be 5 fish so the first 5 would be fine

Have a read through a few journals on here to see which corals you like then ask if suitable seffie has a good journal for a TL550
thanks morri would i be able to add some blue green chromis later on or will i be fully stocked. i have read seffie's journal but will go back over it and see what corals she had in her tank thanks again
No the max for a mature TL 550 is 6 but with caution unless you look at very small fish Chromis are quite a big fish and look ok in a shoal (I prefer bi-colour Chromis) but needs a bigger tank
i have been looking at corals there are a few i like the look of can some one let me know if they will be ok



Kenya Tree

button Polyps

Candy Cane Coral

Brain Coral

Starburst Polyp

thanks for looking any comments welcome. one other thing the room i am putting the tank gets quite warm has anyone put a chiller with this tank if so what one thanks
Good choice of tank.

However the amount of live rock you have is correlated to the amount of fish etc you are able to support (excluding space)

more rock = more efficient nitrogen cycle.

Be interested to see how you get on as I've only just set up my 550

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