So I finally am getting my hands on a confirmed pair of albis (coming from a breeder in my state). Now my problem is what to do in rearranging my tanks. See the problem is the tank I originally had for the albis has a male smaragdina and a female croaking gourami in it at the moment. now my problem is I can't set up any new tanks until I get my own place (should be later spring) so I could rehome the smaragdina and the croaker for a few months if i need to but would prefer not too. Now other than rehoming them for a little while I have three other option. I could put them in my 20 gallon (going to be upgraded to a 55 in a few weeks once the basement is finished) which wouldn't be an issue other than I currently have a wild female splendens in there, and I read smaragdina are very aggressive to other bettas and I'd hate to see them kill each other. Another option is putting them in my planted 10 with a figure eight puffer. I'm a little leary in doing this becuase I know puffers can be nippy. Now I should tell you in the two years I have had this puffer its never attacked anything, and has lived peacefully with many different kinda of fish, I'm just worried the flashy colors of the smaragdina would trip my puffer into attacking. The final option is leave those two in the tank they are in now and just add the albis. I don't want to do this becuase again i heard that smaragdina are very aggressive, but would they be aggressive to a mouth brooding betta (the albis) or are they just aggressive to other bubble nesting bettas? If I must rehome them I will but I'd prefer not to, so are any of those other options possible at all?