Final Stocking And Equpiment Decision


Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2007
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ok so here is what i've decided to go for in my 2ft 63 litre tank.

i have had a glass condensation tray fitted so i can use my triple 24w t5 light unit with 2 white and 1 blue bulbs. also 8kg coral sand.

other equipment include:-
- v2 120 nano skimmer
- fluval 2 filter (inside:- active carbon and rowaphos)
- 3000 l/h water pump for circulation

want somewhere between 6-10 kilos of live rock.

now for livestock

- 1 ocellaris clown
- 1 firefish
- 1 yellow watchman goby

- 1 blood shrimp
- 1 peppermint shrimp
- 1 pistol shrimp
- 1 starfish once tank is more established

- mushrooms
- xenia
- zoo's
- leathers
- frogsporn
- ricordia
- acropora

- 6 blue leg hermits
- 2 red leg hermits
- 3 turbo snails
- 3 cerith snails
- 2 bumblebee snails
- 1 emerald crabs

please let me know your thoughts on my final decision? thanks
1 thing on equipment....i woudl go two pumps rather than one. Means you havemore control over where the flow is going and its not too strong out of that one pump.

Pistol shrimp may not get on with the other shrimp either. Starfish arent really a good idea in small tanks either as most get BIG

Oh yeah and the acro. PRobably not enough light and they are very difficult to keep
bens right the acro will just bleach you will need metal halide for the acros
is the rest of the stocking ok?

room for anymore fish?

any other nice corals not mentioned?
With the exceptions that have already mean mentioned. I think your choices are good, particulary the corals :good:

I love ricordeas you can get some amazing colours and create little gardens same with the zoa's check out this site I have used them several times and they never disappoint :drool:

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