Final Stock Decided


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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I think I hav finally decided on what im going to finish stocking my 90UK 110US gallon tank with.

So for I have
-5 yellow tangs
-1 one spot foxface rabbitfish
-1 coral beauty angel
-1 sixline wrasse

And I am going to add

-1 powder blue tang
-1 lyretail anthias (female)
-6 blue damselfish
-1 longnose hawkfish

I know it is slightly over stocked but at the end of next year, or early 2011 I should have saved enough money for an upgrade. Im thinking of something between 160uk and 175uk gallon.

Untill this time I will keep up with water changes and I am also considering adding a fluval external filter (or just spend the equivilent on live rock :p )

I am moving my tank inside from the garage (put there during house move) this weekend so I will be trying lots of different aquascaping ideas to get my desired look. Will post pics in my journal when im done (Y)

Wish me luck!


you need more than one anthias mate they are a schooling fish so u need 3 or more

add the powder blue with the tangs at the same time after the move u have added one tang and done the move is that correct but still to add the powder blue

regards scott
Hi scott.
Not yet done the move.
I did buy 2 yellow tangs but had problems twice with them. The first one had a leech and then when I got that one swapped, that one just wasted away so I got a credit note for the store, which I will spend on LR. The first yellow is still fine and is in quarentine.
Im moving the tank next weekend. All the yellow tangs will go in my sump together at the same time while the powder blue is in quarentine for 2-3 weeks. Then I will add them all to the display at the same time.

Ive read that certain anthias are fine on their own if theyre males?

hi you need to qt the powder blue now you cant really sump them as it is going to upset ht e habitat introdusing the 2 yellows tangs and the powder tang when they get moved into the big tank at the yellows will have time to settle then it will just be like a hole load of bully victims in the tank and will stress them out

anthias do better in groups thats jusp peoples opinions but keep 3 or more they will do so much better and having a few will make a nice group

regards scott

would u like a hand wih the move its not a problem
Hi scott.
I'll bear that in mind, im sure the solution will come to me :p

The move will have to take place over 2 days because im doing some work on the tank and the silicon takes 2 days to dry so I think me and my dad will be able to manage. :)

Just out of interest, whats your oppinion of adding dwarf angels to a tank which already contains one? Im contomplating another but already have a coral beauty.


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