Final fish to add?


New Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Lincoln, UK
Firstly, thanks to all who have helped me get to where I am today. After a few serious problems at the beginning, I now have a tank that is running nicely and has a good selection of fish in it. :D

Currently I have the following fish in a 180l tank:

6 Danios
4 Cherry Barbs
4 Lemon Tetras
4 Diamond Tetras
4 Corys
1 Algae eater (cant remember the name, sorry)

I would now like to add some more fish, but some with a little colour as the tank is a little monotone at the moment. I had thought about some dwarf gourami's or some mollies/guppies?

Has anyone any thoughts as to the compatibility of the above fish with what I already have, and the possible numbers that I could add.

Also if anyone has any other ideas on other fish that I have not thought of that would be great.

got any pics? guppies would be nice, personaly i dont hink mollies are that good looking im mor einto blue rams,kribensis but thats just me :)

Good Luck
I would say mollies or neons.If you're new at the hobby go with the mollies,and if you dont want fry get 2 of the same sex, preferably females
A gourami might not be the best fish to put in with tetras.

A few guppies would be nice. However, since it is pretty much a cyprinid/characin tank, why not go for harlequin rasboras? They add a nice pink/red hue to the tank.

Oh yeah, the neons were also a good suggestion. :nod:

I meant rasboras, not sure why I put h. tetras down. :/
cluster said:
got any pics? guppies would be nice, personaly i dont hink mollies are that good looking im mor einto blue rams,kribensis but thats just me :)

Good Luck
hey i like Blue Rams, ALOT. and i also like mollies, esspecially the sail fin mollies.
:) There are some very colourful Corydoras species available, such as Corydoras Loretoensis, which has bright sky-blue sides and barbels. C-number 72. They are fairly rare in most shops, but a Cory specialist may be able to order you some. I've seen prices at around £3.50-6. They would look great in a small shoal of 3-6. :thumbs:
I would also consider another livebearing species-- platies. They are hardy and colorful, and would be compatible with the fish you have already. You could probably add 3-5-- they don't really shoal though.

If you wanted to stick with tetras, you might also think of cardinal tetras, or von rio tetras if they are available in your area. Stocking rates for those would be similar to the lemon tetras.

Finally, gold barbs would add a fish that (to me) looks similar to a goldfish in coloration. You could stock those at the same rate as cherry barbs. The green-eye rasbora is a stunning fish in the right lighting (the green is subtle, but like I said, stunning :) ). They are hard to find though.

One thing to consider particularly with tetras (in my experience anyways), is that as they are well-cared for and grow adjusted to your tank, they'll most likely become more colorful. Lemon tetras in particular can look drab in the store if they are stressed out, but become really nice at home.
Thanks for all the replies, will give me something to think about. Will be making a trip to my lfs to look at the different species and will make my decision from there.

Thanks again
I second the gold barbs, or my recent discovery (on accident) glo lite rasporas (look like harlequin rasporas but with a neon orange band over the black triangle.) These guys are natural right? I just got one on accident b/c they were labeled Harlequin Rasporas at the fish shop so I bought them, got home and discovered the one wasn't a Harlequin raspora.... neither was the other but check my post on it for more info on that ("wrong fish")

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