Final Confirmation


Fish Herder
Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Vermont
I've been researching and researching and I think I finally found what fish I going to put in my 75 gallon aquarium. the only one I'm not sure of is the Melanochromis Auratus. I'm afraid he might be to aggressive for the tank, but if anyone could help me or tell me otherwise

5 Pseudotropheus acei
5 Labidochromis hongi
6 Cynotilapia axelrodi
4 Melanochromis Auratus
5 Pseudotropheus demasoni

the only ones I worried about are the demasoni and the Auratus. I figured the Demosoni would be less aggressive in a tank full of bigger fish. but The auratus is one of the biggest and most aggressive, but there being 25 Mbuna in the tank, would his aggression be lessened?
Demasoni are definately not going to be less aggressive....if anything they will be more aggressive, mine are complete psychos!!!

As long as you don't have any other blue colored fish in the tank with the demasoni, you should be fine. Just REALLY make sure you have enough hidey spots....I am also sure you already know to feed them as much spiralina based food as possible....mbuna are big on it. (errr, not "as much" I mean mostly)
well, that could be a problem, because most of the fish are blue, but light blue. here are pictures of them






if the demasoni wont work, then could I replace it with a melanochromis johanni?
I would replace them....Johanni are also a little more resiliant, also get bigger....good luck with your new tank!!! I wanna see pics!!! :thumbs: ;)
Personnaly when i have kept malawi's i would keep them in trio's but otherwise the demansoni which i have kept and bread are generally not that aggresive. Id also put the fish in a trio at a time starting with the least agressive and then finnaly add the auratus last.

otherwise your selections are very good and will look very nice but i still love yellow Labs just for a different colour in the tank.

Just make sure u have loads of rockwork that way your fish can runaway ; ) :rolleyes:
Hongi are quite aggressive too. I've avery aggressive tank.

In fact, the ones I'm worried about are the ACEI. I don't know how well those peacefull shoaling cichlids are going to do in a tank full of such energy and aggression. If I was going to remove any it would be those. I would remove them from the list myself and not replace it with anything. Then I would increase the number of demasoni by a few to distribute the aggression.

Fish like demasoni and auratus have been known to produce fish so aggressive that they destroy entire aquairum setups. It's important to try to keep equally aggressive fish. The Cynos may or may not work... hard to say.

No matter how you look at it you've chosen an aggressive tank. Injuries will become a normal thing, and possibly deaths as well. Overcrowding is a good idea, just remember to keep up with water changes. Lot's of hiding spots are important too - real hiding spots, not just in the the shadow of a rock.

An aggressive mbuna aquarium is not a good place for a yo yo.

Otherwise it sounds good.

BTW, Trios is the minimum recommended number for a harem - it means 'at least'. There is no need to limit yourself to that number

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