hi there i currently have a 120 litre tank containing...
4 kuhli loach
2 albino corys(going to get another 1 or 2 i think)
3 bronze corys
5 glass carfish(i know there are many different kinds but these grow upto 8cm if that helps)
looking for another community fish (schooling or not) but as this is my last addition to the tank i want something special and maybe abit unique. if a singuler fish or pair upto 10cm tops if schooling fish upto 6cm tops. these fish sizes are for adult fish(fully grown).
water temp 24 degrees
PH 7.4
if i have missed any improtant info out just say, any advice/information on fish would be much appreciated and would also like to add that this is a brilliant website and i have learnt so much from it thanks to all.
4 kuhli loach
2 albino corys(going to get another 1 or 2 i think)
3 bronze corys
5 glass carfish(i know there are many different kinds but these grow upto 8cm if that helps)
looking for another community fish (schooling or not) but as this is my last addition to the tank i want something special and maybe abit unique. if a singuler fish or pair upto 10cm tops if schooling fish upto 6cm tops. these fish sizes are for adult fish(fully grown).
water temp 24 degrees
PH 7.4
if i have missed any improtant info out just say, any advice/information on fish would be much appreciated and would also like to add that this is a brilliant website and i have learnt so much from it thanks to all.