Final check


Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Over the past few weeks, I have posted many topics asking everyone about many things, fish compatibility, plants, etc. And now i think i am finally ready to get my first tank. :D

I have finally come to this conclusion. A 20 gallon tank with gravel substrate and a few plants... amazon swords and some java moss or java fern. The fish I would like would be, 2 rams, 2 dwarf or honey gouramis, 2 or 3 kuhli loaches and 6 cories. I will also have many caves for the loaches and cories to hide in. I am probably going to do fishless cycling. I still need help on deciding on what kind of filter to get.

Once i get the fish, I will have the lights on from 3-11 pm, if this is wrong, someone please tell me otherwise. I will feed them flake food and algae wafers for the cories. I want to give them some live and frozen food sometimes too, someone please give me suggestions on what tpye of food that should be.

If I should do something different or anyone has helpful suggestions to give me, all opinions are welcome!

Thanks everyone! :D
the lighting hours sould be longer because you have plants, and i would get a filter that filters more then your tank like my emperor 400 :D :shifty:
and also with the rams and corys, my rams dont even bother my clown loach, but then again all rams are different

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