Fin Rot


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Hi, I have a 10 Gallon Tank and a 75 Gallon Tank. I am trying to move my 4 large goldfish from my small tank to the larger tank.I would like to use the 10 Gallon tank as a sick tank. The problem is every time I attempt to move my goldfish to the larger tank, they develop fin rot within a couple of days. It does not look stress related because they seem to enjoy the new tank. The fins are shredding so I'm pretty sure they are not getting nibbled on. None of the other fish in the big tank have fin rot. They are fine. Could anyone tell me what the problem might be? I would really appreciate the advice. Thanks, Matt
Could you tell us the parameters of the water? Temp? What other tank mates are in the bigger tank? Hopefully we can diagnose your problem and move your goldies into their new home :)
Could you tell us the parameters of the water? Temp? What other tank mates are in the bigger tank? Hopefully we can diagnose your problem and move your goldies into their new home :)

I usually keep both tanks around 78 to help prevent certain illnesses. My big tank has 3 fully grown Kissing Gouramis(6 inches each), 2 sun catfish(6 inches each), 2 Striped Angelfish(6-7 inches each), 2 Koi Angelfish(3 inches each), 1 Dwarf Cory, 1 Golden Gourami(4 inches), 1 5-inch Bala shark. The catfish can be a little territorial but other than that all the fish are friendly. It ran on a 15 gallon sump filter.

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