fin rot?


New Member
Dec 23, 2003
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hi again you probably read my other post :D , but i have some more questions,
my sister has a betta and it looks like his tail is about half gone, we were thinking fin rot, is there anything else it might be? if it is what can i do about it? does it hurt them? how long will it take before they are not contagious and are healing? thnaks
Is there any white stuff at the tips of his tail? Sometimes you have to look real close, since it's not always real obvious. Most likely, I would say fin rot (it might be there any real fluffy white stuff on his tail?). Are you treating it with anything yet? Something like Maracyn, Maroxy, or Tetracyline would help (others might have better med suggestions though). I would also do a big, if not complete, water change. Usually fin rot is caused by poor water conditions. How long has she had the betta? What kind of bowl/aquarium is it in?
it looks like it has asomewhat thick, opaque coating? making any sense here?*L*, i havent treated him with anything yet, we have had him about a week, and he's in a 1/2g so far but he's movin up pretty soon just want to get him healthy first so he doesnt get anybody else sick! thanks
can i get these medications at the pet store?
Hi fcbarrelracer :)

Yes, you can get these meds at your lfs (local fish shop). If it is fin rot, it's quite serious and should be treated right away! :eek:

With bettas, as with all fish, clean water is soooo important. :nod: Just because they can breathe the air, it doesn't mean they can stay healthy in dirty water. :(

Do you have any other fish, or are you just starting out with the betta? :unsure:
i have 2 males, i female and 2 frogs, the 2 males are in the same tank, with a divider ( they cant see through), my mom put the one with fin rot in with the healthy one today! ahhh what should i do? i got some bettamax,tetraclyine, and some maracyne 2. and some aquarium salt! please help! ahhhh thanks
fcbarrelracer said:
got some bettamax,tetraclyine, and some maracyne 2. and some aquarium salt! please help! ahhhh thanks
Don't use all of them at once :crazy:

I'd use a mild dose of bettamax if I were you. You'll have to make it in a pitcher or something of the sort and add it to the tank.

Fin rot is from poor water quality. Clean cycled water is really the best cure. I personally don't use meds....with proper care, you'll never have a sick betta.

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