Fin Rot/ Pop EYE

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Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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Its sad....I dicovered this in my 30 Gl molly tank. There are about 50-150 mollies in there waiting to be sold. I discovered thisand have been treating it with MelaFix for 3-4 days. i have done a slight water change and am doing another one today. Some are doing really bad and some others are doing okay....what should I do now? :-(
A huge water change,that's what you should do. I'd say 40-50% today and the same every other day (easy on the gravel,just change the water) and add some salt. It should clear up right away since both are relatively easy to cure.
Wow no wonder you are having problems alot of baby fish in their,popeye can be caused by poor water, quality, please post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, keep doing water changes add some salt for the popeye you will need anti internal bacteria med, if you do daily water changes and add salt that should clear the finrot.
umm..dont have any test kits or salt anymore....umm, could Ipson salt or table salt or rock salt? About half are fine(?) and the rest are sickly....I dont have any extra tanks(the others are quarentaing new guppies) and I dont want them to get sick....would it be better to mve the sickly into like tupaware contaners and glass containers?
I aggree with wuv, however I'd do 75% waterchanges every other day.
No you might aswell treat them all I would try and change some water everyday, use household salt or the rock salt, but rock salt takes ages to disolve you have to stir it for ages, this should help them out.
See if the popeye clear without using the med for popeye, as the fish are young and my not respond to well with medication added to the tank.
Im gonna take 10 Gls out right now...Im using 5 Gl buckets :p I usally treat the water with declor. in it. Should I also stir the salt in there with melafiz and declor. How much salt? I already dosed the tank with MelaFix....tanks for the fats replies...keep it coming :)

The fry dont have it as much as some of the older ones.
Fin rot and popeye are sure signs of bacterial infections maracyn or kanacyn should work both are bio filter friendly-Anne
Yes stir the salt in with the declorinator,It usually is 1 tablespoon per gallon thats 5 litres,if the popeye dosn't show any sign of clearing up in a day or two add the med.
I cant make it to the LFS or walmart today for whatever I need will have to happen now.Okay this is what im gonna do:

Change water(35-75%)
Put it new water(added with declor. and (2?) tsp. of table salt(i hope your right about this)for 30 gl..I think thats like 125 liters or something
wait.... :blink:
so should I add 30 TABLE spoons of table salt to my tank or 30 TEA spoons of salt...So the size of a regualr spoon or the smaller kind? :unsure:
Are you using aquarium salt? If so,add one tablespoon for every 5 gallons of water. So ya remove 15-20 gallons and mix in 4 tablespoons of salt. Don't worry because your mollies will love it. They love salty water anyway :)

You could get a cup of dechlorinated water and mix in 4 tablespoons right now,let it disolve and then pour it into your buckets of fresh water a portion at a time. Keep doing this every day or every other day though.

EDIT~ no not 30,just 4 and also no not 1 tablespoon per gallon, it should be one tablespoon per 5 gallons.
Im using table salt(?) Donno id this is good...I ALSO HAVE A GIBBECS PLEC in there...he dosent seem to be hit by it bad or even at all. I dont think he will like the salt. What should i do. add the table salt(4 tablespoons an keep him in there) or put hims somewhere else?

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