Fin Rot or not


Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2005
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Ok so for the last 3 weeks I have been treating 2 of my bettas for fin rot. 1 cycles of Mara, 1 week of frequent water changes and salt, then another round of Mara.
Very time it starts to clear up I wake up to a suprise of half my bettas tail being gone... again. The thing is now Im starting to wonder if maybe its not somethng else. everytime it happens there are little "strands" of tail left, like hair but nothing in between them.
My didgi cam is out of order right now sorry. The best I can describe it is picture your hand as a betta tail with your fingers connected by finnage and such. Now just look at your hand normally.
I've been watching them both very closely with out being to obvious in case it was from stress and tail biting, but I have yet to see any nibbling on their tails. But I also do not see any of the typical discoloration of fin rot. Just missing tail. :crazy:

The tanks are both at a steady 79, light salt , Mara, Stress Coat with aloe, and clean water. These are the same tanks they have been in since I brought them home from Walmart long ago and in the same spot.

Im sorry for the long post but this has been going on for a monthish and I just woke up to another half missing tail today. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.... :/
Im having the same problem with one of my girl, it doesnt look like fin rot to me, but her tail is half gone with a peice of 'string like' thing sticking out from it.

Im glad you posted this, so I wont have to create another board to ask this.

Hopefully someone can help
Bump due to the mistake.
Looks like this:

Yes like that but its sometimes half the tail or more and without the discoloration. I just dont understand why keeps coming back. I sanitize anything that touches my fish before it touches another. :/
Usually when that happens to Archie, it's because of water quality - now, what that means can be a whole bunch of different things. *Something* about his water just doesn't agree with his delicate little skin. Like, maybe it could be too cold or the temps are fluctuating too much, or it's a little too dirty for his liking, or there's a tiny ammonia spike.... something. He just does it whenever he randomly feels like it. He bubblenests, he's got approximately 4 gallons to swim around in, he's got live plants, gets a variety of foods and gets lots of attention. And he's at 79 degrees all the time. So he has very good living conditions... The only thing at my house I can attribute it to is what's going on in their tank, and there haven't ever been any spikes in anything until just recently when the spikes were VERY minor - i'm pretty sure that the tank is cycled so anytime there's a tad bit of ammonia in there, his tail shreds.

Harvey, on the other hand, in the same tank is madly growing his tail back fabulously and has no problems with that water. I guess some of them are more sensitive to others...?
Hmmm guess so. I've been changing their water 100% every weekend. I guess I need to step it up some. Just been hard to do since Ive gotten prego. Scared I will fall asleep while they are floating in their little cups lol. :rolleyes:

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