Fin Rot Medicine?


New Member
Feb 7, 2013
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Hello! My black moor (who's turned nearly gold now!) has recently ripped most of his dorsal fin and, as a result, now has fin rot!

Sorry about the pictures- he never stops moving and the pictures are a bit of a blur!

So you can see where it's been ripped and that it's begun to rot. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the tank and putting in a dose of melafix, which was advised by my LFS. Should I also put in some aquarium salt? I've heard that will help also. 
He ripped his fin by getting stuck on a fake plant, which I've taken out along with all the other decorations. I don't want to take any risks! If you have any advice to help me take care of him please, don't hesitate to tell me! I'd hate to lose him, I've been taking care of him for such a long time now and he's my first fish. 
Oh poor dear :( 
I agree with cleaning the tank, do a water change probably a 50% and a good gravel sweep. And about the salt, I've looked it up and it says it should aid with healing but there are certain ways to add the salt as to not stress the fish out more so I'd search a bit before you do. Maybe talk to your LFS again to get some more advice on that. The first and foremost thing to begin treatment is to make sure your water is nice and clean, take a sample to a place who can tell you what your levels are and go from there.
Best of luck!
I've had one case of finrot, and API aquarium salt fixed it extremely fast
Hello! Thank you for your advice. I have begun to add melafix and it's been doing pretty well. As instructed I cleaned his tank, then dosed him with the medicine for 7 days, then did another water change. I don't think it's fully gone yet, so I'm considering continuing the treatment until I'm positive it's completely gone.

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