Fin Repair


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Hi everyone

I posted awhile ago about my brand new betta. You can see the thread and pictures of him and his fin damage HERE. He's also in my avatar there.

Based on your advice I added two teaspoons of API aquarium salt to his 5 gallon tank 3 days ago. But I haven't noticed any change in the condition of his fins (been watching the dorsal clump the most). How long should it take for a bettas fins to get better? I also have some Melafix here - would adding that help?

I've noticed him flicking occasionally on the plants and the filter pipe. I thought adding the salt would help with that but he's doing it just as much if not more. My community fish so this too, albeit sporadically. I'll notice it a lot, then they won't do it for a week or more. I watch them closely, they've never developed any of the 'salt spots' that would be indicative of ich (none on my betta atm either), and still eat well, are active. My cories do it too, and cories almost NEVER get ich (because of them, NO salt goes in my community). I've never treated for it, since I didn't want to be dumping in treatments when I don't know what it is, it would probably do more harm than good. My point in mentioning the other tank is that I moved some gravel from the main tank into the betta tank so if there's something more serious going on I may have transferred it :crazy:. Any advice on whether I should do anything about this situation?

Other than the flicking, he's been relatively active - flares whenever I show him a mirror, or when the room lights are off and his tank light is on (the reflection from his lights are enough to get him going! :lol:), still attacks his food with a vengeance, he gets Hikari Betta Bio-gold pellets in the morning and Nutrafin Betta Food flakes at night. Although when he rests (on leaves, a rock, the bottom or up in the corner) he seems to rest for a long time. No bubble nests yet, but I think I need to work on cutting the current some more, I think it's still a bit strong.

Also, I posted this question in my other thread but never got an answer. I tried to feed him some peas, by sticking them right in front of him but it just sinks too quickly before he can really notice. Is there a good technique for getting bettas to take some peas?

I know there's a fair few questions thrown in here but I'd appreciate some help and advice :)
My betta fish had a little torn fin as well which I recently realized that it was caused by the current. I shut it off until i can figure out how to slow it down. I added aquarium salt and have done a water change everyday and so far no new splits and a little show of regrowth. I'm not sure how long it takes to regrow but with mine it appears it could be a while. I used Bettafix for a few weeks but didn't see any change, that's when I figured out that the current was making it worse. I hope this helps you out a bit! sorry I don't know much more.
My betta fish had a little torn fin as well which I recently realized that it was caused by the current. I shut it off until i can figure out how to slow it down. I added aquarium salt and have done a water change everyday and so far no new splits and a little show of regrowth. I'm not sure how long it takes to regrow but with mine it appears it could be a while. I used Bettafix for a few weeks but didn't see any change, that's when I figured out that the current was making it worse. I hope this helps you out a bit! sorry I don't know much more.

Thanks for replying :)

Well I added a half dose of Melafix anyway today. Smells so nice! :lol: Hopefully that will help him out a bit with his fins. He's still flicking a bit, though I only added it a few hours ago. Dunno if it will help with what he has anyway. I need to go get some more sponge to block his filter flow - it's probably contributing to lack of progress, but I don't want to shut it off in the meantime because I want it to stay cycled...his fins haven't got any worse though, so it can't be doing too much damage. But no bubble nests yet, and the flow is probably why.

Anyone else got any advice for the above post? How long has it take your bettas fins to get better?
It can take a couple weeks for the tissue to grow back and be coloured. (When it starts to grow back it's transparent.) And then it depends on how much of the fin is missing before all of it is back.

Anyone else with experiences?

I haven't seen any more flicking for a few days now so either the salt or the Melafix may have helped with that...

His "chin" fins (I have NO idea what they are called! :lol:) were all twisted and horrible when I got him, but they're starting to spread out a bit now. They don't yet look nice and feathery like other bettas I see on here yet. The "clump" seems a bit looser...

He seems to be more fanned out than clamped when he's just swimming around now so I guess thats a sign he's starting to feel better....

I even caught him (I think!) trying to make a bubblenest but nothing really eventuated...:)

Plugged up the filter with a piece of sponge but theres still a bit of flow. Have to shut it off and let the water run out of it everyday though otherwise it fills up too full of water cos it doesn't flow out fast enough with the sponge, but it takes ALL day to fill up.
Well, I know when mine blows his tail in one of his over zealous exhibitions of attitude, his tail is a little clamped until I put in a little Melafix. I think it's a reaction to pain and the Melafix seems to soothe it. Or if I don't do anything he relaxes after a while.

And the "chin" fins are called ventral fins. They're right under his stomach and butt. The little ones on the side of his head are pectoral fins. The one on his back is the dorsal fin, and the big one under him is the anal fin. And his tail is usually called the caudal fin, I think.
With the peas.....

Peel them, then break them apart into VERY small tiny pieces. Then roll it into a ball, the same size as his pellet. Youll trick him into thinking its his normal pellet food.
Finally! Thanks very much for the tip! Will try that out next time. Hopefully I won't just make a mess in their tanks with sinking peas anymore...
Ive never had that problem because once the top opens they swarm up to me because they know its feeding time.

So nothing I drop in ever sinks to the bottom :D

Just hold youre hand there and Betta should come up ready to chow down and drop it right in front of him, he should gobble it up.

Make sure theyre really small and drop in a couple peices if you have to. One pea should be all you need.

Also just noticed you feed him in the morning and at night. You may want to feed him once a day.

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