Fin Problems


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
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My betta's fins havebeen this way for about 3 weeks. At first, I thought it was due to him ripping his tail on plastic plants.... so 2 weeks ago i removed them. The tail is looking better.... but is still a little red and has started to curl a bit. What could this be and how should I go about treating it?
Thanks alot,
Kim and Skylar
To the best of my knowledge, fin rot can cause both rendess and curling, though the "blackening" form of fin rot seems to be more common. Frequent water changes and aquarium salt should heal a minor case. If the rot becomes severe, however, anti-biotics may be needed.
I've also heard curling can be caused by an abscence of sunlight or cramped quarters. I don't know what size tank he is in, but there shouldn't be an issue unless he is in one of those ridiculous cups from the stores. You could, in addition to water changes and salt, give him some "sunlight therapy" by placing him by a window for short spurts throughout the day, but to save some effort, it might be best to first see if salt and clean water alone heals the fins.
he's in a 3 gallon... which I do water changes regularly. Edit: he also does get a good amount of Sunlight.... he is in my bathroom which has a big skylight in it...
Would you use bettafix to fix finrot?

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