filtration system


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
i need to know a good way to create a decent filtration system that can circulate water and keep it reletively clean in a divided 10g. i plan to have it divided 3 ways for male bettas which tend to get kinda messy -_- im experimented with proto types with no avail and im stumped.
Get a cheap hob filter, and extend the intake down across the bottom of the tank to the other end with some clear tubing. This will give you water flow across the length of the tank, eliminating dead spots in the water circulation. Hardware or diy stores sell different sizes of tubing, get it a bit smaller than you need & heat it up to make it stretch a bit to fit. Once it cools it holds pretty tight.

hmm..that sounds like a plan, i was juts thing a second ago about useing a swimming pool filter and some pipeing to suction stuff out and put it back in, urs sounds alot less complicated thogh. thanx :thumbs:
Get an aquatech 5-15; they're very cheap and mine's been running for 1.5 years right now with no problems; can't say the same about my year old Aquaclear 200.
They do a good job for a cartridge style HOB filter, but I'm planning on upgrading to a AquaClear 150 soon...

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