Filtration Question


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Hi all,

So, I am not terribly new to fishkeeping, but up to this point have just stuck stuff in there without really learning much about it. In my "sticking stuff that the LFS said would be good in there" I wound up with what I think is either a common or a sailfin pleco (or possibly a cross). Now that I know more about it, I know that he needs a bigger home, and since I like him alot (he sure has grown on me), I want him to be happy and healthy. I am hoping that I have not stunted him too much. I have been reading posts here for quite a while and trying to do research on my own, so I won't waste anyone's time answering questions I could answer on my own.

I am getting close to getting my new tank and am planning somewhere around 90 (US) gallon tank and am trying to figure everything out. I currently have a 35 g hex tank with a pleco, a hoplosternum thoracatum (I know next to nothing about this guy, but found a pic in a book so I know what he is called... another charming guy:), 5 harlequin rasboras and a couple of rummy nose tetras (most of them died, think it is cuz of my hard water). I also am liking platys, mollies (except they need brackish water, not sure if I am up to that yet), barbs, danios, and guppies. I love my harlequins, too, and would like to have more of them. Currently on my 35 g tank, I have an aquaclear 300 which is overkill, I know. I would like to put that in my new 90 g, but am not sure if that will be a good one for it. Does anyone know of a good site which clearly explains the different kind of fitration systems? I looked through the stickies and didn't see anything about it there. Also, if I were to move the filter to my other tank, I believe that I could put the sponge from my new filter into the old one for a while to colonize it and clone my tank. How long would I want to have it in there for before i put it in the new tank?

Also, I love planted tanks and have had no luck with live plants in mine. I think that is for three reasons... one is that the hex tank is so deep lighting is hard to do, two is that I don't have a good substrate, and three is the plec eats/digs them up. I am hoping to have live plants in my 90 gallon. If I let them get well established before I put my plec in, will that give them a better chance of survival? How long should I let them establish themselves before adding him in? I know that is a good question for the plec and/or plant sections, but thought I would throw it in here.

I think that is all my questions for now. Any info about all that stuff would be great, as well as any suggestions on what fish to put where (compatibility wise, that is). Thaks in advance, and sorry this is so long!!!
It sounds like you are going with a larger planted tank. I would recommend reading the pinned articles and do it right the first time for the best results. Trust me, taking shorcuts will catch up to you in the long run.

I've never had luck with plecs in a planted tank and no longer keep them. I use ottos and shrimp now, which do the same thing. With a proper setup, you shouldn't have too bad of a problem with algae.

I see that you have grown fond of your plec. If you want to keep him in the planted tank, I would recommend potted plants like swords. Their root structure is strong and will hold firm in the gravel. If you decide to go with stem plants, make sure the are firmly rooted....(tug them a bit, should not come out)

That's all I got :good:
Thanks for the reply. I did find a page that sort of answered my questions about filtration. As for the plec and plants, I will definitely check into it on the plec and plants sections. He made quick work of the swords I put in the initially. My anubia lasted longer, but with two strikes against it, I gave up and pulled it out. I have heard that there are some plants that plecos don't like to eat.

I have become fond of him, but, also, don't know how I would get rid of him... I could try a LFS, but don't have high hopes of finding him a good home. And, I am of the believer that when you get a pet you keep em if humanly possible. Sort of like they are part of the family :) Sounds silly about a fish, but that is how I feel... even if I didn't give him the best start to life being cooped up in such a small tank, I am going to try to do better now :)

I have found it challenging to find info that I can tell is reliable on line, though, and don't really know where else to look, so my research is going slow.

Anyways, thanks for the advice!!!
Thanks for the link... funny, that is the site I found yesterday after I posted this message. At least now I know it comes recommended!!! Any other good fish sites out there?

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