Having a filter go off at night seriously affects its efficiency. They should run 24/7 to keep up the flow of oxygen and food to the bacteria and archaea.
The fish you have or want to have like moving water, Geos especially. I don't really know gold dust geos. I just tried to see info on them and they look more like steindachneri types than say winemilleri types. That's a solid bioload, so I would go with max filtration.
I haven't used tidals, but ran a 120 gallon/450 ltr tank with 5 Geophaus winemilleri for years, with 2 Aquaclear 110s. They did the job, and would be comparable to the tidal 110. Personally (you always get conflicting advice on forums!) I'd run a 110 and a 75 if they could fit on the tank. Big HOBs are wonderful, but bulky. Option 2 might be two 75s.
If you have the two filters and stay with weekly 30% water changes, you should do just fine with Geos. The "hump" Geos tend to be hardier than the usually available ones, and again from photos with no international, scientific name, gold dusts look to be Geos with h