Filtration Help


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Hi all did a quick search but no luck, my question is my tank is probably a little overstocked at the moment i know it is so none of the overstocked hate please i do look after that tank i change the 25% water every 2 days treated with prime and vac the gravel at the same time and I'm careful not to over feed aswell as testing water daily and using a uv steriliser a few days a month.

Anyhow heres my question can you have too much filtration? I was running 1 fluval U4 filter rated at 250L in my 200L tank but iv added a few more fish and its a little overstocked until i can get a bigger tank so iv added another U4 so theres 2000Lp/h filtration power in there now is this overkill?

My stocking list is

2 clown pleco
11 tiger barb
4 sterbai cory
20 tetra
5 angelfish (waiting for 2 to pair then getting rid of other 3)
8 marbled hachetfish
1 bala shark (going to a bigger tank soon)
2 golden algae eater (also bigger tank soon)
6 amano shrimp
3 black molly & 2 fry
3 platty
3 glass catfish

The only thing that is fully grown is 1 of the molly all the others are below 1" apart from the pleco's

People say theres no such thing as an overstocked tank as long as the owner takes care of it. Will this filtration and my water change schedule be okay for now with the current stock?

Many thanks

Adding extra filter power was the right thing to do. The only potential issue with doing so is the faster currents in the tank, which some fish can't tolerate, but that doesn't really apply to your stocking.
It's not overfiltered in my view :), it's just right. I filter all my tanks at the same rate, about 10 times the water volume an hour per filter ratings. As for the current, it depends. If my cherry shrimp can handle it too, then that amount of flow isn't too much of a great deal.
It was probably a better idea to get a large external instead of the second internal, or go external altogether. It will give more space inside the tank. I really do like the U4 filters for internal filters and they do a great job, but internals still don't have the same capacity for media that some externals will provide.
More water changes won't harm them for sure :)

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