Filtration And Stocking Question


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Hey guys just wanted to say that this is a really good site for tips and answers so thanks to all that make it happen
Well heres the situation i just recently got a 180 gallon tank (witch im exremely excited about) the wife bought it for my b-day.and i took all the stuff from my 90 gallon tank and i was wondering if a magnum 350 (cycles up to a hundred gallon tank) and 2 aquaclear 300's ( cycles up to a 70 gallon tank each) if thats good enough....... and i have three power heads to get the flow going......The fish Ihave are an 18 inch fire eel by the way are a fantastic fish!! a 6 inch hystrix stingray,5 tiger barbs,elephant nose fish,three unknown small fish and and angel fish.And also im wondering if i can get some more fish
and if anyone has any recommendations..
I am certainly no expert but have been in the hobby for a few years and will respond since no one else has. It sounds like your two filters would do OK, but I would not stock your fish right up to the limit, just to be safe. From what you said, I think you could add more fish, I don't think you are too close to being overstocked. I have always gone with the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule (though I never stock it right up to the limit ie 20 inches in a 20 gal, usually 15-17 inches just to be sure all is well) and have always had good, healthy fish with 0 ammonia, nitrites, etc. Congrats on the huge tank! I envy you. :)
you need to find out the flow rates of your filters. I use 3-5 times the tanks volume /Hour. ie 40g tank = 200g/hr filter flow
But I use sumps which house alot more media then most canister/internal filters.
That should be ok, but have a look at the actual flow rates because retailers/manufactuers often put that they can filter say a 60 gallon tank, but thats at like 3x turnover, so it could actually do a 40g ish tank at 5x turnover (which is what your after....).
That tank should be fine for the fire eel (see my artical on them if you need more info) but the smaller fish will get eaten at some time, so best keeping them in another tank...The hystrix will need a bigger tank (see my pinned topic: The Stingray Guide)


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