Filtration and fish stock


Do ya feel lucky punk?
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 16, 2004
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Two questions that i would appreciate some advice on.

1. I have a 90 litre tank ( bought as a package) and I currently have a Fluval 2 plus and a Fluval 1 plus filter. Is this filtration sufficient?

2. Looking at my current fish stock, do you think this is the maximum number of fish for the tank? Most of the current stock are juveniles or young adults, i.e not fully grown.

Again, any help will be much appreciated.
hi m8, the fluval 2+ will do for a 90L tank,up too you if you want to put the other in.The flow might be a bit strong for your betta with 2 filters on the go.
As for you fish you might be a wee bit tight when they grow,you have some big fish in there,and might get a prob with your betta and gourami,they can get a bit agro with each other.
Thanks a lot for the info, I'm hoping that by the time the relevant fish have grown to any great size (bearing in mind that, for example, the silver shark is only 2 inches long at the moment and the plec is only 3 inches), I'll have set up a large Cichlid tank and can transfer the large fish. I knew the Gourami and the Betta was a bit of a gamble but surprisingly they get on fine. The only fish I had problems with was the red tailed black shark (not surprising) but since I added the large golden Gourami (which is more than twice the size of the RTBS) he has completely calmed down and only ever chases the silver shark and not too often. The Betta permanently lives at the front of the tank and swims his lengths all day, I have never seen a more settled Betta in a community tank and fingers crossed, it stays that way.

Thanks again
The Clown Loach, Silver Shark and Sailfin Plec will all have to move to a 125 Gallon when full size.

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