

New Member
Jul 30, 2004
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New Hampshire (USA)
Hi, I'm thinking of getting a 2 1/2 gallon tank with a divider in it for my two male bettas. I'm planning on buying a filter but I'm not sure what to get. Should I just get a regular filter that rest on the top/side of the tank or is and undergravel/rock one better. I know the betta poo likes to rest on the bottom so i'm not sure if the bottom filter would be better. If anyone can give me some advice it would be very handy. Also, with a filter how often will I need to clean out the tank?
I wouldn't suggest an undergravel filter, once they get clogged they really don't work well, a lot of people don't like them. For a 2.5 tank, I'd suggest either a Whisper internal filter (Mini I think), or an Azoo palm filter (hang on back type). I really like the Azoos best because they don't go inside the tank and you have much more space. :nod:

If you mean clean out the whole tank, you won't have to ever. That's not a good idea. If you mean gravel vacuum/water change, it's up to you and depends on how many fish you have in it. If it's just a betta, weekly would probably be fine. :nod:
I haven't got the tank yet so i'm not exactly sure. It's 2 and 1/2 gallons, rectangle shape, maybe about a foot long ( probably a little longer) and 7-8 inches wide. probably eight inches height. Sorry i don't know that much about it, I'm still looking into it.
I'm no expert, but I have limited choices, and only small tanks. I use corner filters in my 2.5 gals for my bettas. They work fine except that they do take up some space (even the smallest ones) and I worry that if they're just on one side, the other side might be having dirtier water, although water can pass through the sides of my divider. I'm trying out sponge, but that's on my guppies' 5 gal tank.

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