
what sort of filtration do u use

  • Internal - sponge (with or without carbon)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Internal - sponge and bio media

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge and floss

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge, floss and carbon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge, floss, bio media and carbon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge, floss and bio media

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge and floss

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge and carbon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge, bio media and carbon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • External - sponge, bio media

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wet\Dry system

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Under Gravel (UG)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None on the list (please add reply)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None i don't belive in filtration.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I picked none, but I suppose that wasn't the most accurate choice. I don't have any filtration for my 2.5 gal bettas, just an airstone.

My tank at work has an external sponge and carbon. Not sure what floss is . . .
I use it cuz thats what came with the tank, and Iv never had any reason to change it. Then I felt I wanted more filtration when I increased my stocking level. So I just bought another of the same and stuck er on the other end.
rykitten said:
I picked none, but I suppose that wasn't the most accurate choice. I don't have any filtration for my 2.5 gal bettas, just an airstone.

My tank at work has an external sponge and carbon. Not sure what floss is . . .
i feel that filtration is key to keeping fish healthy but if ur tank is big enough and u have enouth plants and is a perfectly balcanced system then OK filteration is not important
What happens if I have an internal wet/dry system with sponge, bio media, floss and carbon? I don't think you have enough options to be honest.
I use internals (fluvals) and externals (eheim and atman). The internals is just sponge except for the hillstream's which has biomax too, I use sponge and floss in the 2 eheims and the atman has got floss, sponge and bio-max.
External, floss.

Seeing as how I've only got the filter for some biological filtration and mechanical filtration, this suits my tanks just fine.

It's best not to rely on filters too much anyways.
I use an internal sponge with bio, mechanical and chemical filtration. :flex:
I use penguin boi-wheel filters on my tanks, so my answer would be "external, floss, carbon, bio-filter".
Alright.....could someone tell me exactly what sponge it that blue sheets, or white, that you cut in strips and it catches most of the big stuff?

And what about floss??? I couldn't find any ANYWHERE around here. Any media named floss that is.........what is it and where can I get it???

silver said:
Alright.....could someone tell me exactly what sponge it that blue sheets, or white, that you cut in strips and it catches most of the big stuff?

And what about floss??? I couldn't find any ANYWHERE around here. Any media named floss that is.........what is it and where can I get it???

Sponge can be white or blue, it's the sort of stuff that comes with fluvals. The stuff for my eheims is blue.

I have floss but only because it came with my filters. Dunno what it does, I hear notions of 'polishing'
i got a fluval 104 runing on my 18g tank but iv just brought a fluval 203 from a car boot sale for £4. the 104 is running with foam bio and soon as iv stoped useing melafix ill put the carbon back in. but iv still got a spear compartment so maybe ill put some flos in that one. is that a good chose??? regards alastair

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