Im setting up a new 30 gallon tank with what I think has quite a low stocking level (12 neon tetras, 2 platties, 2 guppies, 2 dwarf gouramis and a small pleco) and am completly confused about what type of filtration I should use.
The tank most of the fish are currently in has an undergravel filter so it seems logical to move this to the new larger tank and add another undergravel filter. However having searched the internet I have found very varied opinions ranging from "the ultimate filter system" to "absolutly useless" so any advice on the type of filtration that would be best to use from people not trying to sell me something (i.e. you people) would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance
p.s. The lower the cost the better, however I would rather spend more up front and have a good system than have a running battle with water quality and dead fish for the sake of a few £s.
The tank most of the fish are currently in has an undergravel filter so it seems logical to move this to the new larger tank and add another undergravel filter. However having searched the internet I have found very varied opinions ranging from "the ultimate filter system" to "absolutly useless" so any advice on the type of filtration that would be best to use from people not trying to sell me something (i.e. you people) would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance
p.s. The lower the cost the better, however I would rather spend more up front and have a good system than have a running battle with water quality and dead fish for the sake of a few £s.