

Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
have been advised by lfs that i shouldn't use a filter with a betta.

have got a 45 litre tank with 7 minnows and soon a male betta.

have put a fluval one in there, is this ok?
delicate filters are fine.
i have filters with my betta's and there's no trouble, as long as the current isn't super strong and they don't get blown away.

i have a fluval 1 in with Chi, it's a bit strong, so i've put lots of tall plants in and he seems to be coping fine!
as long as there's some bolt holes for them :)

are they white cloud mountain minnows?
they may be a bit too nippy for a betta's long tail.
I use sponge filters with mine and there are no problems, some the boys have an undergravel filter which the mesh barriers help reduce the current.
Filters reduce water changes and I think they're needed to keep disease at bay. I got a pump kind with this little plastic box thingie. You put charcoal and filter media which looks like cotton--maybe cotton who knows? I put a knot in the tube which connects the pump to the box and all's well. I have this now in a 5 gallon and 10 gallon and they don't mind. One sits right on top of the bubbles--must like to have his butt tickled who knows? This is what I found after buying a number of filters that just didn't work for a number of reasons. The sponge filter is good too...haven't tried that one yet.
I have fluval 1's in one of my divided tanks and they do just fine with them :D

Sorry, have no idea on the white cloud mountain minnows
I don't know for sure but just an FYI--some store clerks don't know what they're talking about so watch out......I'd google or keep watch here about it....maybe start another post about it and see what experienced keepers have to say.

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