Filters for a 60 litre hex tank


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk

I want to get a new filter/powerhead as the filter i got is too powerful for my tank hence too much of a current and my tropical fish dont like it as it blows them around!!! So i'm going to sell that one and treat myself to a new one but what do i go for and whats good value for money?

I like the idea of power heads by Interpet that go on a UGF uplift tube, do these have carbon cartridges which filter the water as well as airating it?

Also been looking at Fluval plus filters too.

Bigfish is soooo confused

Need advice as i want to buy it today while i have time.
what size tank different filters i find better for different size tanks they might all sort of wizz the water about a bit i dont think power heads use carbon filters they use the ugf system i think for a carbon canister i think iter and internal filter like the fluval or the eheim its worth looking at the online pet shops as they have a wide selection and good descriptions i will find it for you now.
Bigfish, First off let me start by saying that IMHO opinion an UGF isnt a good choice. There are people who use them but in todays world of top notch filtration systems the UGF doesnt hold a candle to them. There are a few different choices you can make here and they all work good. You could go with an external filter like a Fluval 104 which should be a good size for your tank. I would assume that you are talking about a Hang On Tank type filter that is pushing fish around. There are models that dont push as much water but IMHO the water moving means its being filtered. So a filter like a Auqa Clear 100 or possibly 200 would be a good choice. There is one last choice that I will mention but not alot of people like them. The are the sponge or box filters that sit in the bottom of the tank and uses air to force water threw the filter. These work great, if you have ever seen any of Cichlid Masters pics you have seen how clean they keep the water. The really nice thing about these filters are their price.... a large sponge will set you back maybe 7 to 8 dollars and a jumbo box will run around 4 in usd. All you need then is a good air pump and your set to go


Thanks i went to my LFS for some advice and he recommended The Ehiem Aquaball 2208 and this is the best bit i got it for a tenner!!!! coz they were getting rid of their old stock, not bad ay? so far it's great and i can adjust the water flow on it to so at the moment its on the lowest setting, so i now got two filters running together until the Aquaball has matured.

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