Filters For A 10g Tank...


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Yosh, so I'm going mainland this week, and I'm going to buy a filter for my 10 gallon tank. The tank will
house my little Furin:


Lucky little bugger, eh?

I might add others to his tank (as in ADFs or some type of fish), but for now, I'm operating under the theory that he's the only occupant.

Right, back on track. I'm going to put him in a 10G, and I'll need to filter it. Is there any source online where I can research filters which are betta friendly without modification, or would you kind people be able to recommend a few namebrands to me? Please?
Whisper filters were recommended to me for bubble nesters. I suppose undrgravel has it's advantages, although they don't appeal to me. Did you scan the pinned topics at the top?
Multiple times, over the course of several months. :lol:

It doesn't hurt to ask for a second opinion, however. I also asked for a filter that'd be betta friendly out of box, as what I've read states that many filters sized for a 10g tank can be altered to be betta friendly... I was just being a lazy git and hoping for something that didn't require a nylon sock and some pinchy things, you know?

I'm not fond of undergravel, bad experiences in the past -- which have no relevence to betta keeping, but the memory sticks. I'll add "whisper" to my look-up list for the mainland. Thank you.
Yes I lnow. As I said I've been recommended Whisper filters. At present all my betta tanks have bio wheels. I have two Whisper filters. One is seasoning for a new sorority tank and one is well cycled and will go in a new gourami tank. I haven't found any of my boys or girls are dumb enough to get caught in the intakes, and the ones who want seem to manage a bubble nest, until I destroy them with waterchanges. :lol:

I don't have a link for you or anything. Thought maybe if I responded then someone who actually knows something would stop by. :nod:

Good hunting--gotta go to work.
I'm actually getting a little excited about putting Furin in the tank. I know it won't happen for a while (2-3 weeks? So long :X ) however I was able to rearrange my bedroom just a little bit, and put the tank right next to my desk, at the place where Sori generally is when I work. If I plant the tank just right, the two can see each other 'casually' and I can enjoy them both.

In fact, the 1.25g bowls are starting to seem extremely inadequate. Perhaps when I'm mainland, I'll price out some 2g bowls? Those are pretty inexpensive in the mainland, right? I thought I heard someone once say they were... $10 or so? The problem would be packing the buggers, as I'd need at least two for life to be simple...

My dreams are running away with my wallet. :eek:

I really like the glass 2g bowls, they're so sturdy. The 2.5g tank I had just seemed so delicate by comparison, I couldn't nudged it around on my desk without fearing (perhaps with paranoia), that the seams would pop and my tank would be no more. I just like the really solid feel of a glass 2g bowl.

So, my little 10g purchase list includes a heater (50watt, I think is the recommended size), a filter, and perhaps a little aquarium sealent should the tank prove to be a shade leaky, although so far it isn't.

The last time I went mainland, I carried Furin in a little plastic tote I bought at a dollar store. 6 hours in the sky and he was just fine. What a trooper, eh?

I can't ever do that again. :blink:
BTW, Soritan, I didn't mention, Furan is a lovely boy. He has a great face. I think he trusts you. I hope you enjoy your trip and find what you need. I would be very excited if I were looking forward to Furan's rehoming. He's just a great fish with a great dad. :nod:
I really like Fu, he's proven to me hands down that marbles are fascinating bettas. I love waking up in the morning and wondering what color he'll be next. :lol:

Sori's really my favorite, my red one. I tote him about my bedroom in his bowl. He's active, and just one of your "standard red veiltails". I just dig him, you know? Probably because he was my first betta. He was old and raggedy when I got him, he's old and raggedy now. :p


I have to admit, now that I'm moving Fu to a 'real aquarium' the temptation is great to get another one for my bowls. I can't, really... I just have a thing with twos, but ... well. :X You know how bettas are.

It's just so cool that I'm finally putting these two in a place where I think not only they'll be happy, but I'll be happy as well. Before, it was more like we were eeking along, ya know?
Sori is a wonderful red!

You mention going to the mainland, but your profile doesn't tell where you are.

I was just wondering where you are that you have to go to the Mainland on an airplane to shop. :/

What about the CT?
Uhn, let's just say I'm not part of the contiguous USA and leave it at that, shall we?

And yes, he is a wonderful red. He's probably quite common, but he's got lots of personality.

The CT I gave away/sold a little while back. He was an impulse buy, when I went to visit the pet store. I thought he was gorgeous, and naturally I *had* to have him, so I bought him. I should never have done that to the poor thing. I didn't have near enough bowls around to have water ready for all three at once, and no where near enough sense to stagger all the water changes. :lol:

I'd have given away the CT, except the person who I 'gave' the CT to, took a 2.5g tank, all the live plants inside, and the hood. Since they got it for an office, I figured she could reimburse me for it. Unfortunately, I think I'll wind up eating the $50 setup. I guess I should be pleased, at least this office betta isn't in a tiny, ignored vase on some desk, right? (operative words in that last sentance would be "tiny" and "ignored")

I think the only way I was able to part with him, was that I didn't name him. If I'd have named him, I'd still be stuck with three. There's something about naming them that makes you feel really responsible and attached.

I can shop locally!
I just have to be prepared to spend lots of money. :X

Ebay is my friend.

Aquariums and pets in general are really niches here. It's supposed to be one of the more expensive places to live, and I believe that, but I think as far as aquariums go, what our biggest problem is, is monopoly, with only a single pet store, and no box store or other pet store to compete, the existing pet store is able to get away with a whole mess of things they normally wouldn't have.
Well, as long as I'm not expected to have a clue what is available and at what cost on the "mainland" then it's not a problem. :lol:

I'm looking forward to seeing Fu's new home when he gets settled.

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