Filtering a 90 gallon tank


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
Hi - I forgot about this forum and posted the following question on the Tropical Chit Chat forum. Since I'm not getting any responses over there I thought I'd ask it here.

I've been offered a free tank by my BF's brother. He apparently left it at his ex girlfriends house when they split up about 10 years ago and it's been in her living room ever since as she has no way to move it. I just have to go pick it up.

It's a 90 gallon glass corner setup (3 sided) with stand and hood/lighting. I don't know the exact dimensions as I haven't seen it yet. I'm going under the assumption that any existing filtration equipment is probably either non-functional, lost or so outdated that it won't be worth bothering with. I may be pleasantly surprised but I'm not counting on it. The tank is at least 14 years old, possibly older. I'm trying to be pessimistic and figuring that in addition to needing cleaning up it will probably need to be resealed. However I also figure that since it's free, if the glass is in good shape it might be worth putting a lot of effort into. I don't have anything better to do with my time!

What I don't have at the moment is any money to spend on new filtration equipment so I'm trying to figure out if I can swap around some of the equipment I already have on hand and come up with adequate filtration for it. (Because of course it's going to drive me crazy if it has to sit here empty!)

Currently my main tank is a 55 gallon with a Penquin 330 Bio Wheel filter (hob 330 gph), a Top Fin 60 filter (hob 300 gph) and a UGF connected to a Penquin 1140 Power Head (300 gph). Current occupants are about a dozen swordtails and 2 Cory Cats. I think I could pull one of the hob filters from this tank without a problem. I want to keep this tank up and running as well as the 90 gallon.

I also have a Whisper 20-40 filter (hob 200 gph), a AquaTech 110 filter (hob 110 gph), 2 Aquatech Minis (hob 100 gph each) and an AquaTech Power Head (170 ghp).

So with the existing filters I have available can I keep my 55 gallon tank running and get the 90 gallon tank up and running as well? Any suggestions for rearranging the filters?

Stocking for the 90 gallon could be kept light initially until I can better filtration for it. It would house swordtails and cories. As my babies grow up they could populate it.

Heating is not an issue, I've got several heaters that range from 50 watts to 200 watts and rarely have a need for them as my house temperature is a pretty constant 76-78 degrees in winter and 80-82 degrees in summer.

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