Filtered light

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So, today, I’m home longer than normal ( I don’t typically get to see my tanks though the middle of the day ) this tank has 18 inches of pretty solid plants, between the main tank lights, and a the water’s surface… key word here is “main” there are also 4 single 36 inch LED plant light strips, 2 are over the plants n the back walls , and 2 are a couple feet behind the tanks, both sets run for 4 hours… the ones over the plants, run in the morning, the ones behind the tanks, come on about 7:00 pm, and stay on for 4 hours, and back light the tanks, until dark…

So only the main tank lights, are on, about 8 hours, through the middle of the day… so, this tank is pretty shaded by plants you can see a few openings

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