

Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
coatbridge, Scotland
i have a Fluval 3 plus in my tank and before I notice there seemed to be a strong current and the fish had to fight to get past the out pipe.

as I have only had the tank a month I didnt really think any thing about the filter but today i notice that

1 the filter didn't seem to be pulling any water in
2 there didnt seem to be the normal strong current
3 there didn't seem to be a strong current coming from the out pipe

so I decided to investegate and as I slowly pulled the filter from the water I noticed that the water was just trickling out, so i decided to have a go at cleaning the filter and OOOHHHH MMMYYYY GGGGOOOODDDD they were seriously revolting... and no mater how much I tried they just didn't seem to clean up... so I called my LFS and they told me they had my filters so off I went to buy them I also took a water sample for the to cheak and WOW my levels were really high.. and the fish shop guy was saying it was because my filter pads were blocked, it was also then that I was informed that I should only be feeding my fish once a day and not the twice i'd been doing... uuuuuuupppppsssssss :crazy:
i guess you learn for your mistakes..

So got home and did a half filter change till next week and a 50% water change as advised... there was tons of old food just sitting under the stones...

how long should i leave before feeding again??? should i give it a few days to left the fish have a hoover at the old stuff??

kiss kiss :wub:
I would gravel vac straight away it only polutes the tank, don't change the other sponges next week it's to soon, wait a month then test again.
did a massive gravel vac and pulled up loads but didnt know when to feed again.

the other filter is f :crazy::hyper: ked so it will need to be changed. but should i really leave it a month wont that cream cracker the new one as it'll be doing all the work???

kiss kiss :wub:
I've added this in another subject but it belongs here so :alien:

since changing the water and adding 1/2 a new filter the fish have become more active in fact one fish in particular is wizzing around the tank like hes on speed hes a cleaning and he was trying to clean, clean glass, hes calmed down now quite amusing especially since last couple days hes just laid on the bottom of the tank just speraticly moving, the fish looked abit like a cat fish in shape but without the whiskers and he has a sucker mouth and hes only 2"long

kiss kiss :wub:
Sounds like an oto or a chinese algae eater (sucking loach). Hopefully the first as CAE's can be aggressive and teratorial.

yeah its a loach,(had a look on google) its not at all aggressive it actually just keeps itself to itself, dead placid....spends most of its time sucking the bogwood,

kiss kiss :wub:
godzuki said:
yeah its a loach,(had a look on google) its not at all aggressive it actually just keeps itself to itself, dead placid....spends most of its time sucking the bogwood,

kiss kiss :wub:
Thats why I said Can, not will :p At two inches, its only a baby, so keep an eye on it. Some people love them and they do a great job on algae.

well how long do they stay "babies" he was bought when the tank had cycled 1.5 years ago and hes still the same size... :/

kiss kiss :wub:
no!! its CAE why hasn't he grown any bigger and hes just soooo placid. bit of a loner though "sticks" :lol: with my plec(which I haven't got rid of yet)

thanks for the help how did are the CAE surpposed to grow??

kiss kiss :wub:
I feed 3 times a day on feeding days, It is not how many time you feed. But how much you fed per serving.

If you were feeding so much that it screwed up filter, you were feeding too much.
well hes been small for quite a while now but I'll keep an eye on him
hes shown no aggression at all from what i've seen but there again im not there 27/7..

thank you for the help any who

kiss kiss :wub:

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