Filter too powerful?


Apr 22, 2005
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Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
I've got a Fluval 204 external canister filter in my 10gal(UK).

I've decided to use the tank for a basic tetra and livebearer tank to give a bit of colour in my hall as well as being able to keep a few smaller fish.

I've got white silica sand, a few reed type plants and some monapi wood but there isn't much hiding space as I want to see the fish as much as possible.

Anyway, due to the size filter it is fairly powerful so I was wondering if it would be too much for neons, rummy nose, guppies etc.....

It isn't blasting around but it is a fairly strong current. :nod:
4 guppys(1male and 3females or just 4males if you don't want fry) and 5-6 neon tetras or rummy nose tetras would be good :thumbs:
I would think that guppies would not like a strong current. I would think that all the tetras that you would think about getting would be fine, though.

Also, that hallway isn't too busy, right?
Guppys would be fine with the current as long as they wern't long tailed fancys ones whose tails can tear in strongly filtered tanks, but there are still many colorful guppys with normal length tails which thrive in strongly filtered tanks :thumbs:
Neons and RN's both come from quiet water regimes. A strong current would upset them.

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