Filter too powerful for betta setup!?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I have a 5.5 gallon tank, with a divider down the center. I have 1 Betta in each side, and I'm using an external Top-Fin power filter 10. It is for up to a 10 gallon tank. I figured this would be fine, but when I switched it on, my betta on the side of the divider with the filter on it, can no longer just float in place. It seems the current is maybe too strong, if he just relaxes he is slowly sucked over to the filter. It also seems the pores in the divider may not be allowing enough waterflow, because the betta on the other side of the divider seems to be completely unaffected, so there is possibly no current or water cycling on that side? What is the best way to filter this setup? Any recommendations for smaller, less powerful filters, that would still be able to filter through the divider?

[This was posted in the hardware section, too, but I figured the Betta experts over here might have more experience with this type of setup]
As added to the hardware post:


I'd recommend that you look into a sponge filter, with an air pump to run it.

My small sponge filter does not disturb my 2.5 gallon Betta tank much at all.
Look for a small, quiet, air pump and a two-way gang valve--to allow you to bleed off air--and thus adjust the filters bubble rate to your liking. :)

You could even get two sponge filters, one for each side of the 5.5 gal. tank, and run them off the same air pump.
That would give each side of your tank a filter. Get a 3-way gang valve in that case, to allow for adjustment of excess air flow.
Sponge filters, as Auratus mentioned,are great for such a set-up. They also sell little box filters that plug into an air pump, those are good too. Then there's the Azoo Palm filter :wub: they're regular hang on back filters but they're small and perfect for a 5 gallon, you can usually find them on eBay...they're kind of hard to find in stores still.
You could even get two sponge filters, one for each side of the 5.5 gal. tank, and run them off the same air pump.
That would give each side of your tank a filter. Get a 3-way gang valve in that case, to allow for adjustment of excess air flow.

Went to the lfs and bought that setup exactly. Just got it running now, the boys don't seem to mind the bubbles at all, my bravest betta Hades went and looked at them point blank straight away, and I think he's bored of them already :lol:

Thanks for the advice guys, this board is so helpful! Pictures coming soon....
Cool! Glad you took my advice--I think you'll be pleased with the sponge filers.

Keep us posted as to how it goes over time, and we'll look for the pics! :)
wuvmybetta said:
Then there's the Azoo Palm filter :wub: they're regular hang on back filters but they're small and perfect for a 5 gallon, you can usually find them on eBay...they're kind of hard to find in stores still.
I did a search for those filters. Azoo Palm filter

Look like you can order it online.

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