Filter To Powerfull For Fish?


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hello there all just bit concernd ive got my new tank setup and running, ive a 52liter with a hang on internal fluval filter. the waters gushing into the tank obviously. my danios keep swiming into and pushing them out the way...... its points as far as it will go into the corner or the tank.. do i have a right to worry?? or is this just normal and ok?

many thanks
hello there all just bit concernd ive got my new tank setup and running, ive a 52liter with a hang on internal fluval filter. the waters gushing into the tank obviously. my danios keep swiming into and pushing them out the way...... its points as far as it will go into the corner or the tank.. do i have a right to worry?? or is this just normal and ok?

many thanks

Try posting a photo of the offending 'gush' as there are a few diy'ers here but we need to see the problem. Danios are very strong swimmers and probably love a current so no worries there, what's your other stock?

Also, not sure which filter you mean can you add the model name/number so I can google it :good:
most internal filters have small sponges and big pumps, which does cause them to blow fish all over the tank. Try turning the pump so the outlet is facing towards the side or corner of the tank. That will reduce the current. Otherwise go for an external filter. They cost more but have more filtration area and less powerful pumps.
sorry to waist ur time guys. ive sorted the profile out now needed abit of tweaking about with :D

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