Filter Sponge And Other Things


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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well i recieved my 1400 ef allpond solution external filter and inside it has 3 pieces of sponge (1 in each section) then a bag filled with stuff which it says is all optional, what should i use and what should'nt i and maybe replace with more sponge stuff? or should i use it all and if so my next question is should i leave it in the order its placed in the filter all ready including the sponge which only has 1 piece in each section which i would assume might be a pain to clean.

sorry for the questions but its my first filter that doesn't just use the sponge

p.s the filters huge which means i have to dismantle what my fish tank is standing on just to fit it lol
Use everything except carbon.

It doesn't matter that much what order the media goes in, IMO.

Once you've got your old, cycled media in there (if your swapping filters) fill up the extra space with more sponge, or ceramic rings or bioballs; whatever you fancy, really.
use as much sponge as you can get in there, nothing else is needed

even if you have to cut a sponge to make it fit in a compartment where it isnt supposed to be, do it
Thanks and no old media is going in as it's a brand new and empty tank I will get more sponge I could just get a big roll and cut it myself right?
Thanks and no old media is going in as it's a brand new and empty tank I will get more sponge I could just get a big roll and cut it myself right? could also use a combination of sponge and bio balls
Just make sure, if you're cutting your own sponge, to make them slightly bigger than the tray; you don't want water to be able to bypass the sponge by going round the sides :good:

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