Filter Sand


Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
warminster Pa
I know this has been asked but has anyone used swimming pool sand in their tanks
I am getting tired of my river rocks the junk is getting in between the rocks
and getting tough to keep clean
also how will my pleco's like the sandy bottom they seem to love the lager rocks
I am from Hawaii... I use beach sand in my tanks. It's been washed before putting it in, but beach sand works beautifully and they love it! My Kuhli loaches love to dig in under it as well. After making the switch to sand, I'd never go back. It cleans different than gravel though... So hit YouTube and check out the sand cleaning videos, but it's easier once you get the hang of it
I know people who've used pool filter sand, and it's been fine.

Your plecs won't be bothered, as long as they have enough hiding places :good:

Lady dragon; I'm not normally a big fan of bettas, but I have to say, the one in your avatar is an absolute stunner! What a magnificent fish! Is he yours?
Lady dragon; I'm not normally a big fan of bettas, but I have to say, the one in your avatar is an absolute stunner! What a magnificent fish! Is he yours?

Me neither, but i agree, one of the nicer ones. Saw one for sale recently, i think someone posted something about it on TFF, £999. Dragonscale or something?! Want one? lol

Your plec wont mind the sand, mine seems to like it, uses it to hide up against his log.

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