Filter questions


Fish Herder
Mar 6, 2014
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Just thinking of my future tanks again and had some general questions.

I have two SunSun canister filters. I've only need one on a 20 gallon(a bit much for it) and the other I bought for a 55 gallon but haven't used it yet as it's not set up yet.

Now...The 20 gal will be getting revamped and will only have a sponge filter.

As for the 55, I'm not sure about a canister for that. I was actually kind of interested in the new seachem HOB that recently came out(the main feature I like on it is the pump is the tank so no worries about it restarting in a power outage!) It also has all the space of an aquaclear to put whatever filter stuff in it you want. From what I've heard it's also about the same price.

Now, I do have a small aquaclear on a 10 gallon. I used to have a marineland biowheel on the 20. Now...I didn't care for the "wheel" feature admit didn't do much and there wasn't much space to put your own media and the intake was too long. But the one the I did like was how the water came out of it, flowed right across the top and hit the side and went down.

Now, with the aquaclear it just basically goes almost straight down into the tank(which I don't care for) but I like the rest of the features. Lol.

But I was just curious...For the 55...If I was to either get an aquaclear or the new seachem filter...And maybe also have a sponge filter as well....What do you guys think? This will be a planted tank (hopefully!!) With sand substrate and tetras and rasboras in it. So I'm wondering if the canister is a bit too much. I think the HOB cleaned the tank a bit better than my canister...But it was my first time running one too. I'm just not sure I like it. Lol.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this?? Lol.
I'm not so sure you'll like my opinion, but here goes: get a sump.

A lot more room for media, you get whatever flow that you want, you get to hide heaters (and whatever other equipment, co2 for example), it's easier to dose (fertilisers for example), you increase your water volume, and if you need to add carbon you simply drop a bag in, no need to open a canister filter.
I'm open to all opinions at the moment. Though I will say I don't know anything whatsoever really about sumps. All I know is I don't want to or have the means to drill the tank at all, though I don't think you have to do that with a sump. The only other thing is I would more than likely have to have a heater in the tank and sump. The room it will be in can be very cold sometimes(drip acclimation will not work for me for this reason. Lol.)

But a few questions, what size of a sump would be recommended for a 55 gallon? Could I have the flow slow enough to be comfortable for glowlight tetras and harlequin rasboras? What happens if there is a power outage? The tank won't drain down and get all over, right? Do you have to buy pumps for this or is there a decent kit to buy or however it is? Lol. I will go look at these as well. Like I said...I don't know anything about sumps so I'm a newbie to these. The only other thing I know is that you can have different compartments in it for different stuff. That's all I know! Lol!

I do want something that's easy to maintain though! I think that's more my top thing right now. I've had a lot of medical issues come up recently that thankfully are being treated and I had to stop this project and break tanks down because I couldn't handle them. And right now I just don't know if a canister filter is right for me.

Thanks for the thoughts! I will go do a bit of research but any tips you can give me I appreciate!
One thing I am thinking of doing is to have a 1/4 inch gap between the bottom of the tank and and the gravel. The pump would take in water from under the gravel. The output then would be through a spray bare 1 inch above the water surface. This is a under gravel filter but with much higher water flow than what is possible with an air pump which is typically used in under gravel filters. Fo most under gravel filters the air sone and riser tube is in my opinion just not strong enough to prevent sedate buildup in the gravel. Sediment buildup in the gravel would eventually block the flow of water and limit the effectiveness of the filter. With a pump you have a much stronger flow and a better chance to prevent sediment buildup.

The pump could be in separate small compartment of the main tan with a heater. Tahis separate compartment can be behind the tank background where it would be out of site. Or you could set up a a canister filter sump pump below the tank and have tubing attaching it to the under gravel filter and spray bare. And you could attach an in line heater between the canister filter or sampan spray bar.
Again, thanks for the tips! I did a bit of research on sumps and I'm not sure it's right for me. A kit costs too much and I'm not sure I up for the job of building one. Not that it would be too hard, but I'm not sure I want to mess with the plumbing part of it. I may just look into getting aquaclear hobs as I'm not sure on the new tidal filter. Lol. I dunno yet, but thanks for the tips though!

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