Filter Question


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Gold Coast, Australia
Hello Claire the NOOB here! :lol:

What are bacteria noodles and how do they work?

My filter is built into my tank and it sucks up the water which then travels through a tube over the top... and there are three sections the water drains through...."bacteria noodles" then a sponge section and then the carbon filters and then back into the tank....But im curious as to how this all works and how each section benefits my tank :) and also how to care for each section...
The sponge is your mechanical filtration. This removes the physical dirt from the water.
The Carbon is your chemical filtration and removes chemicals like meds and tanins. However it will only remain active for about 1-2 weeks before it needs to be replaced.
The bacteria 'noodles' I presume are highly porous stone like bits that are designed to have a massive surface are for your nitrifying bacteria to live on and perform your biological filtration. This turns ammonia into nitrire, then nitrite into nitrate which is then removed by water changes. (see the pinned post for more details!!)
As for maintenance I don't know about your particular filter, but with mine, I rinse the filter media in tank water not tap water about once every 2 months just to clean it off. I don't use carbon in any of my filters unless I'm actually removing a med or have another reason for it. I use filter floss instead which removes really fine particles of dirt from the water.
thanks rvm! so with the carbon is that useless now? is that something I need to replace every 2 weeks? Do I throw out or should I just leave it in its section for now....
The bacteria 'noodles' sound very helpful! I like the idea of them! I just read up on biological filtration :) so they seem quite important to help everything along....
yep, the bacteria is probably the most important part!! As for the carbon. I always keep some activated carbon on hand just in case I need it and can't get to the LFS straight away, but it isn't necessary to have it in there all the time.
You don't need to throw it out as it will still perform mechanical filtration, but if you can I would replace it with floss as this is much better for mechanical. Then get yourself some new carbon and just keep it on hand just in case!!

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