Filter question


Oct 4, 2003
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i need to buy a new filter. right now i have a simple corner filter but i wanted something more powerful and effective. does anyone know if Marineland Penguin BIO-Wheel 125 Power Filter is good and how it works since i have no experience in these kinds of filters. or can someone recommend a good one? thanks
I use the step below that for my 2 10g's and am very happy with them. They are quiet and don't seem to have the strong current some other filters have due to a gentle slope for the output. Hope this helps.
What size tank do u have?

I have a Biowheel 125 on my 20 Tall, and I love it. However, it puts out a LOT of surface movement, and I have noticed that it is not ideal for my betta. However, he's really gotten used to it and threw a fit when I tried to put him in a 10 g with no surface movement! For all your other fish however this would be a great filter in a 20.
The BioWheel is an awesome filter - and what I eventually hope to upgrade to from my Whisper.

There's another post on this forum about the BioWheel. :) (In fact, if you do a Google Search for BioWheel, the post is one of the first few links!) Anyway, read up on it here:
BioWheel Post

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