Fish Crazy
I have a tank that I keep one male betta in. It's somewhere between a one and two gallon tank and I have two little decorations in it to keep him occupied. I use only bottled spring water because I heard from my pet store owner that it's easier to use that, than tap water and the solution to get rid of the chemicals. I do a skim of the top particles and about a 25% change of his water every week and a full change with cleaning of the bottom rocks and such every month. Using that system I kept one betta for over 2 years and he just recently died and I got a new one. My question is, using my setup do I need to get a filter for my tank. I never had one with my first betta and he seemed to live a long happy life according to me. I'm gladly willing to spend the money on a filter if it means my betta will be happier, but the frequent changes of the water seemed to suffice before. Please give me some insight.