Filter Question


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I have a tank that I keep one male betta in. It's somewhere between a one and two gallon tank and I have two little decorations in it to keep him occupied. I use only bottled spring water because I heard from my pet store owner that it's easier to use that, than tap water and the solution to get rid of the chemicals. I do a skim of the top particles and about a 25% change of his water every week and a full change with cleaning of the bottom rocks and such every month. Using that system I kept one betta for over 2 years and he just recently died and I got a new one. My question is, using my setup do I need to get a filter for my tank. I never had one with my first betta and he seemed to live a long happy life according to me. I'm gladly willing to spend the money on a filter if it means my betta will be happier, but the frequent changes of the water seemed to suffice before. Please give me some insight.
You don't need a filter.

The main function of a filter is to provide surface area in which bacteria can thrive in order to accomadate the bio-load of the aquarium. With just one fish in your little tank the substrate and plants would be enough to hold all of the bacteria you need, and a filter becomes unnecessary.

Filters also provide mechanical filtration (the removal of solid waste). Your regular full cleaning of the bowl takes care of this, so once again the filter is not necessary
Thank you thecichlidaddict. I kinda figured a filter would be futile, but I wanted to ask some other people first.

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