Filter Question....


New Member
Feb 3, 2009
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i have been lurking as a guest and finally decided to take the plunge and become a member! i have been reading lots of stuff on here and clearly there are a lot of professional fish keepers!! :hyper: i have a question re filters..... is it necessary to use the attachment that draws air in? i apologise if this is a dumb question, i ask because i cant sleep with the noise of the bubbles!! i was thinking about getting an airstone or something but will these be just as noisy??

thanks in advance for any help!
nope it's not essential at all, you need some means of getting oxygen into the water but most of the time just having the filter output just under the waters surface so it makes ripples/waves across the water although you may end up with some splashing noises depending on exactly where the water level is.

if you want you could put an airstone in and plug it into a timer so it's on all day but goes off before you go to bed. :good:
couple of options....

i have my bubble disc on when i come home from work till the light goes out at night then turn it off and do this every day.

get a filter which has a venturi attachment like the fluval which draws air in from above the water level to create bubbles in the outlet, or modify your own by drilling a few holes with a bit of air pipe sticking out to the surface.

or just put up with the noise of an air pump??
wow thanks for the quick replies! the filter is new and i never noticed any noise with the old one.... the new one is much better though so i wont switch back. i think i will buy an airstone and if its noisy just switch it off at night.... thanks again guys im sure this wont be my only question!! :crazy:

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