Filter Question


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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Colchester, Essex, UK.
Hi everyone, have posted this in Hardware and DIY but after reading some of the other topics in this section think it would be better off here.

Will soon be investing in a 60x24x24 aquarium, (roughly 150 gallons / 568 litres ). Lighting and heating are taken care of but still haven't made my mind up about which filter to get. :unsure:

With my budget I can afford to get the Eheim Pro 3 - 2078, which turns over max 1850l/h.

Read somewhere that the filter should be turning over the volume of the tank three times an hour, is this right? As I have also been told (and it stands to reason) that the faster the water is going through the filter the less time there is for biological filtration to occur.

With this in mind would I be better off getting two smaller filters as I have been looking at the tetratec filters and they seem to get rated really well. If so, would 2x Tetratec Ex700 (700l/h) be adequate for my tank or would 2x Tetratec Ex1200 (1200l/h) be better?

Really want to get this right from the start, so as much feedback as possible on experience with any of these filters or just the answer to the question about the turnover would be greatly appreciated.
iam watching this post.....iam also looking at buying the tetratec 1200<£59.99> great things about these filters so might just chance it and buy the thing :good:
Eheim are the rolls royce of externals. They last forever. Tetratec are also good, and are better priced. A good turnover rate for filters depends upon the fish you want to stock, and the stocking dencity. IMO two filters are better thsn one, for the reason you pointed out in the first post. Two filters should (in theory at least) give grater water quality. This said, I have not notice a difference in water peramiters in either of my heavly stocked tanks, regardless of wether or not they are running two filters. Two filters provide a back-up, should one fail.
I run two filters on my 400ltr (tetratec ex120 & eheim classic 2215).
having two filters gives you the ability of having one for mechanical and the other for biological,
myself one is a std set up (3 stage filter) but the other is purely a mechanical filter.

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