Filter Problems


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2004
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I moved a year ago and of course my tanks went with me! Since then, they will not clear up. I have used Filter-Aid, Seachem Clarity, Clear-Water, etc., etc.! Nothing has worked. The filter is 7 years old and makes some noise, but pushes water through the same as ever. It is a 29 gallon tank with a Marineland 60 filter on it(fairly large for a 29 gallon). I have 2 medium to large severums in it, 1 small severum in it, 2 kissing gouramis, and one pleco. Is this too many fish or is there something wrong with my water levels or filter(I'll post water levels later after testing)? I use the cartridges that you can easily buy at Wal-Mart. What should I do? Thanks ahead!


My first try at a remedy would be filter floss. I take it your filter is an external, yes? All your water clearing remedies just help the floting stuff to 'clump' together, and if you dont have a fine enough 'strainer' to force it through, it just wont clear it. Try the floss first, and increase water changes. Carbon can help, but wont really grab the free floating solids like floss will. Carbon is only really any good for removing meds, and I don't personally use it for anything other than that.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, I'll try adding more filter floss :D.

Yea, agree with sub. I recommend a product called 'polyfilter' which is quite expensive (£12 for a 10x6" sheet) but it lasts for a couple of months and my water is crystal clear (and that's with bogwood too).

Yea, I don't think I would change something just because it's old. 7 years isn't too bad for a filter but I may suggest you get another and run your current one as a spare / backup or for a hospital tank etc...
boxman, I might take your suggestion for the filter. I will look for a new one and use the older one on my hospital tank or for backup. Any suggestions on the filter? I will probably just move the fish to a temporary tank while I "re-model" my 29 gallon. I need a new heater anyways, so why not redo the tank :D! How long does it usually take to cycle a tank(I'm doing it right this time :*))? Thanks ahead!

Here is What I am Thinking for My 29 Gallon's Make-Over:

*Visi-Therm Stealth Heater 150 Watt(Shattered my Visi-Therm Deluxe :crazy:)
*Hydor Bravo Power Filter 200 gph(Will It Be Big Enough?)
*Hydor Bravo Cartridges w/Removable Carbon Bags
*Filter Includes Media Container(What Should I Put in It?)
*New Gravel
*Live Plants

What do you think?


P.S. Here are the water stats:
Nitrate: 40
Nitrite: 0
GH/Hardness: 0/Very Soft
KH/Alkalinity: 0
PH: 6.8-7.2

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