Filter Pad Info


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2007
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I was wondering if anyone knew where on the internet can I find info on this filter pad... the RENA MicroFilteration+ Filstar Xp. The box the filters came in say nothing about what they do. All it says is that they're biocomponent progressive microfilters. I was hoping I could find more info about exactly what they do; like what do they capture besides tiny dirt particles—do they capture chlorine, metals, slime, and perhaps polish the water any at all? They're double-layered. One side is soft and green, and the other side is course and white. The PSs don't exactly know what they can pick up in the water.

Clik HERE then chose View filter accessories :good:

I must get out more :crazy: doin' this stuff for you........exercise your web skills :hey:
Clik HERE then chose View filter accessories :good:

I must get out more :crazy: doin' this stuff for you........exercise your web skills :hey:

Thanks for the link, but I've already been there and I just don't see my filter-pad at all. Either I'm web illiterate or I'm blind. :lol: Or maybe I've been buying a product they don't make anymore and when the stores run out of this particular product, then that'll be the end of them. But thanks anyway. :)
Well if you clik that link then clik VIEW FILTER ACCESSORIES then a pad as you described is featured as a new product :nod:
Well if you clik that link then clik VIEW FILTER ACCESSORIES then a pad as you described is featured as a new product :nod:
I know, and thank you! I clicked on there and the filter-pad I bought of theirs is not listed—at least I cannot find it on there. The one I have is green on one side and white on the other. The closest filter-pad they have showing on the list is white all the way through—no green anywhere. This is why I think they probably discontinued the one I have.

Thanks anyway! :)
Well if you clik that link then clik VIEW FILTER ACCESSORIES then a pad as you described is featured as a new product :nod:
I know, and thank you! I clicked on there and the filter-pad I bought of theirs is not listed—at least I cannot find it on there. The one I have is green on one side and white on the other. The closest filter-pad they have showing on the list is white all the way through—no green anywhere. This is why I think they probably discontinued the one I have.

Thanks anyway! :)
Ok, I cliked that link and on the Rena web page that appears you will see pictures of 4 external filters.Directly below those 4 filters you will see, in blue, View filter accessories....clik on that and a window will open and hey presto.....your white and green pad :nod:

Please say you found it! :crazy:........SOMEONE! :shout:
Okay, thank you!

I finally found it—right after you posted for me to look under the 4 external filters. The whole time I was going here... Products > Equipment > Filters > Filtration Media. Just about all their pads were in there, but not mine—except the other kind I have, which is an all white pad—pretty much for polishing; but it doesn't say anymore on the site than the package says. Someone thought it may capture a lil' bit of ammonia. I tend to believe what the package says. This is why I needed more info, but I finally found it. Thank you! :)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know it was probably not much help to you but it got to a point that I thought I was going nuts :crazy: :crazy:

We got there in the end :good:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know it was probably not much help to you but it got to a point that I thought I was going nuts :crazy: :crazy:

We got there in the end :good:

Yeah :lol:

And thank you for what you found for me to look at. :)
It was better than nothing. I couldn't find anything and still can't except what you told me.

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