Filter options for 40 U.S. Gallon

A sump would be good, but most of your filtration is gonna come from your liverock. a skimmer would also be a good choice.
You at least need something to run carbons and such in whenever its needed. A sump is always a good idea. But a canister or power filter can suffice in this case if you are Fish-Only. Make sure you dont forget powerheads, especially with LR.

Skimmers are always good as well. A sump in your setup will allow you to hide the skimmer instead of having to hang it on the tank.
a sump will also give you that additional volume and help keep things stable. Your live rock will be your main biological filter. Sumps can house millions of tiny little critters aswell which makes it even more interesting sometimes than your tank. You could aslo turn it into a refugium which would help. What ever you do, live rock is a must IMHO.
look everywhere else but here everyone says to run a skimmer on every tank. Unless you are willing to put in lots of time and effort to have a natural system get a skimmer. You should get a sump and a decent in sump skimmer.
MasterDrummer said:
What do you mean by something to run carbons?
A Power Filter, Canister, or Sump is something you could run carbon in. You use activated carbon as a means of chemical filtration. It will absorb harmful chemicals from the water. Carbon also clarifies and deodorizes the water as well. But remember carbon can also remove some medications from the water.

In addition to carbon media there are also other things that can be put in specifically to remove specific elements or compounds from the water. (ie. Copper Scrubbers)
I look at it this way: You can put your money into your tank (Live Rock) or you can put your money under or behind it. To me live rock was the answer. I would also add that a skimmer is well worth the money, you never know when something nasty is going to get into the tank. (excess food, sheetrock dust, mustard, mother-in-law, :huh: etc...) A skimmer can help remove it from the water. HEY, I guess I like having both. There is your answer, get both. Stay way from canister filters, they are crap. Check out via-aqua (Hangs on the back of tank) if you dont want a sump. If your tank is not drilled, your going to have to have a overflow hanging on the back anyway. It has a skimmer, UV, and filter. Plus, it has a place for your heater.
The "Berlin Method" is simply liverock with a skimmer. I sump is not needed (but VERY advantageous).

You can run the system on just powerheads, skimemr and liverock but without a sump it means you have to research which skimmer will work in the tank (or hang on the back)

If its possible at all to install a sumnp then the advantages vastly outweight the penalties. If a sump cannot be fitted then an external cannister is good to add as this can be used to sotre things such as carbon or Rowaphos or other treatments during the course of the tanks life.

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