Filter Off :(


Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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I went on holiday for a week, and just got back to find that my filter had been off for the whole week! I immediately turned it on, and did a fish count whilst doing an emergency water change. :S. I had a little suspicion, and was right, that some of the bacteria in the filter would have died off because there was no constant water flow over the sponge, but I think some has survived. All fish are alive and well... So far.

I did a water test before the water change, and it came out 0.1 ammonia, 0.25 nitrite and my nitrate just ran out! GRR! What a time! :S. The Ph was as normal. I did one after, and ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0.1, and nitrate... Well... all out. So I did another fish count to double check, and all there again... I really can't think of how it happened, although I do kind of think it may have been after the water change I did the day I went, I may have been distracted and forgotten to turn the filter back on, so from now I am going to just point the spray bar down, and leave the filter going, rather than just turn it off completely.

Oh! And a neon tetra in my smaller tank I noticed the day we left had swim bladder problem, and I didn't really expect it to survive, but I get back from this holiday and see all of them swimming around normally?!?! I thought it was incurable?!? It was almost definitrly swim bladder, it was pointing downwards, trying to keep the right height, swimming down but going up, and we watched it go around the tank then rise to the top and go onto it's side by a floating leaf. I really thought it was incurable, but it can't be! Hehe, unless there is something very similar to swim bladder problems, that has the same symptoms, and can "fix" itself in a week... Has anyone got any ideas what could have happened?

And on another note, the rapidly fast growing plant I have been wondering about is now about 3 foot high, in a tank 2 foot high :S. One of the leaves can reach from where the plant is (5' tank) to either end :D. I'd say it is around 3/4 of the way up the tank, so can reach 3' one way and 2' 'the other (to the glass). It can just about make it the longest way, and could easily make it to the other end of the tank lol. Ill have to upload photos some day =0P

EDIT: Oh, and just to let you know, my room stank of stagnant water when I got back! :S. I am really glad that all of the fish managed to survive with no cases of whitespot/etc. spotted so far! :D

Even my two newish angelfish managed to survive this outbreak, and I suspect the tank is just going through a mini cycle, otherwise I would have expected the nitrite levels aswell as amonia to be higher than they were.
the bacteria wouldnt of died so youll be ok!

it jus lays dormant until water is passed over it again.

read that somewhere on here.

the swim bladder problem could be something as simple as constipation ot swallowing an air buble at feeding time.

i had a platty that i was sure was a gonna, acting jus like your neon. woke up the next mornin and it was fine

glad all your fish are ok.

think youve done the best thing with the water change. should probably monitor ya stats daily for a few days.
Exactly what I was planning to do! =0P. And if nitrite creeps up to 0.25, ill do another 20% water change, maybe just 10... and if i see any ammonia ill do a water change.

I'm pretty sure that it dies off if there is no flowing water... May well be wrong though, could anyone clarify please? Thanks!
My understanding is not that the bacteria will necessarily die, but there will be a bloom of anaerobic bacteria in the filter that compete with the good ones and can produce toxic substances or out-compete the good ones.


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