Filter Of Doom


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
Washington State
So.. I had a nice little sponge filter in my fry tank which SEEMED to be doing it's job. I had it on the lowest settings and whatnot. However, I came back one day to find it on full blast, blowing my fish all over the place!!! Since I couldn't get the darned thing to go on any lower setting, I just pulled it out.

Here's the question. Amonia levels are beginning to get a little high in there. Do you think I'm safe introducing a new filter, or will that be too much of a shock for the fry? They're two weeks old at this point and I'm a little afraid to do a water change because I'm not sure if it will kill half of them x_x Mugen already ate them down to about 20 or 30 when they first hatched (before free swimming.)

I blame the filter of doom!!
:-( Dont ask me too technical! There is only me and you reading topic. :(

Sure someone will answer soon -_-
I use filters in all my spawn tanks but use a little valve on the airline to get the filter down to minimal disturbance. Whether or not you put another filter in there you need to get the ammonia levels down quickly. At one week of age I start 50% daily water changes on my fry so would say its not a problem at all to do a water change now and keep it going.

Hope that helps :D
if you are using an airpowered filter you can also tie a knot in the airline, that is what i do. Definitely I would start water changes now at any sign of ammonia
if you are using an airpowered filter you can also tie a knot in the airline, that is what i do. Definitely I would start water changes now at any sign of ammonia

Thanks :) I pulled apart the filter and turned it on just to see if maybe there was something loose and the fan went haywire like some killer device in a horror movie! x_x I've decided to throw away that one.. lol.
Well my best suggestion is to get another filter in there and do a water change to lower the levels. . . . . you'll be going through a cycle so you might want to monitor and test it everyday. To speed things up - you could get bio spira and dump that in.

Those are my thoughts. . . hope things work out.

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