Filter media for HOB filter


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
You know that media that you put in Canister filters? the Circle/donut shaped things? Can you put soemthing like that in a HOB filter instead of those sleeve things?
I've found you can wedge sponge, carbon, floss, or whatever into a hob that uses those skimpy slide in cartriges. I usually use just plain sponge, or sponge with a bit of floss in them. I do have a couple with the donut shaped media in a piece of old nylon, tied at both ends, and held in by the sponge beneath it. It works.

I'm finding the cost of the carbon filled filters really adds up, so im looking into replacement. how often do you change those donuty things, and how often do you clean them/
On the one hob they get rinsed every 2 weeks or so. A couple of fry tanks get rinsed once a month. The same media in a canister goes 3 to 6 months between rinses. I have yet to replace any of it, can't see any reason to. It's as hard as rock, and isn't breaking down. The media in 1 canister is at least 2 years old. Just rinse it & put it back in.

The best HOB filter for this purpose is an aquaclear. You can put anything in one of these. Make your own filter media with bags. Use anything! My aquaclears have ceramic cylinders, lava rock, bio chem stars, bio pin balls, carbon, foam, poly fiber in them. (have more than one).

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